This is followed by further registration.
This is divided into the following steps:
Tab 1: Book
1st section: Company logo (optional)
Here you can optionally upload your company logo to complete your account.
2nd section: Company details
Country code UST-ID: (mandatory field):
Please select the country code for your VAT ID.
Sales Tax ID (required field):
Country abbreviation UST-ID: (mandatory field)
VAT ID (mandatory field):
Please enter your sales tax ID here
Help in case of problems, if you get the error message "VAT-ID is invalid":
Solution variant 1: Enter the VAT-ID without the country abbreviation
Solution variant 2: Enter the VAT-ID without the blank space
If you still receive the above error message, please contact driveMybox support at [email protected] .
Legal form: (mandatory field):
Select the remaining form of the company from the drop-down menu.
The following legal forms are available:
GmbH & Co. KG
Sole proprietor
Sole proprietor
--> If none of the above options apply, please select "Other".
Company profile (mandatory field):
Please select one of the following options from the list:
Freight Forwarding
Shipping company
--> If none of the above options apply, please select "Other
Mobile phone number(Optional)
Here you can optionally enter a mobile phone number
Company Website (Optional)
Here you can optionally enter your company website
Tab 2: Payouts
Account details:
Payment method: (Mandatory)
Please choose one of the options from the list
Credit card
Important: The payment method is a direct debit authorization. The money will be automatically collected after the completion of the performed booking.
Card or account holder:
Please enter the first and last name of the account or or credit card holder here.
Card or IBAN number
Please enter the IBAN or credit card number from which the money will be collected.
Please note the following assistance:
Enter the IBAN with country abbreviation and without spaces.
Enter the IBAN number with country abbreviation and without spaces.
Credit card:
Enter your card number + month (in numbers) + expiration date (last 2 years numbers)